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Monero offers three distinct networks and blockchains:


Every network has its own genesis block and is entirely seperate from others.

Nodes & Explorers

Spy Nodes and Explorers

Be cautious when using any remote node or block explorer.

Malicious service providers may log and associate your IP address, TXIDs, and more. If you must use Untrusted Nodes, use them over Onion or I2P.


  • Nodes - Self-Hosted

    • Run your own node
    • Use a node which is controlled by somebody you trust
  • Nodes - Remote (Use an Onion or I2P node)

Block Explorers - Self-Hosted


Mainnet is the "production" network and blockchain.

Mainnet is the only blockchain where XMR units have value.

Mainnet is the default network.

Mainnet Block Explorers [Onion]
Mainnet Block Explorers [Clearnet]
Mainnet Faucets
  • None. Don't fall for scams
Mainnet TCP ports
  • 18080 - [Default] P2P Network
  • 18081 - [Default] Unrestricted JSON-RPC
  • 18082 - [Default] ZMQ RPC
  • 18083 - ZMQ Pub
  • 18084 - Tor P2P
  • 18085 - I2P P2P
  • 18086 - Unused
  • 18087 - Unused
  • 18088 - Wallet RPC
  • 18089 - Restricted JSON-RPC


Stagenet is available for users and developers to learn and build on Monero safely.

Stagenet is technically equivalent to mainnet, both in terms of features and consensus rules. Similar to mainnet, you'll use the latest official Monero release to be compatible with stagenet.

Some resources to get started:

Stagenet Block Explorers [Onion]
Stagenet Block Explorers [Clearnet]
  • N/A
Stagenet Faucets [Clearnet]
Stagenet TCP ports
  • 38080 - [Default] P2P Network
  • 38081 - [Default] Unrestricted JSON-RPC
  • 38082 - [Default] ZMQ RPC
  • 38083 - ZMQ Pub
  • 38084 - Tor P2P
  • 38085 - I2P P2P
  • 38086 - Unused
  • 38087 - Unused
  • 38088 - Wallet RPC
  • 38089 - Restricted JSON-RPC

Stagenet was introduced in March 2018 as part of Monero v0.12.0.0


If you're a normal user or a developer building an application, you should use Stagenet.

Testnet is the "experimental" network and blockchain where things get tested long before mainnet.

Testnet forks earlier and more often than Mainnet. To avoid being stuck on an old fork of testnet, you should keep your sources up to date and compile often.

Some resources to get started:

Testnet Block Explorers [Onion]
Testnet Block Explorers [Clearnet]
  • N/A
Testnet Faucets [Clearnet]
  • None. Please contact us on Matrix or IRC if you know of a replacement.
Testnet TCP ports
  • 28080 - [Default] P2P Network
  • 28081 - [Default] Unrestricted JSON-RPC
  • 28082 - [Default] ZMQ RPC
  • 28083 - ZMQ Pub
  • 28084 - Tor P2P
  • 28085 - I2P P2P
  • 28086 - Unused
  • 28087 - Unused
  • 28088 - Wallet RPC
  • 28089 - Restricted JSON-RPC

Private Testnet

Run a Private Testnet

You can create a private version of the Testnet.
A private testnet gives developers flexibility and control over the network.

To learn how to run a private testnet, follow the guide from Monero Examples


Why do stagenet and testnet coins have no value?

A: This is simply the convention community embraced. Value only comes from a shared belief that mainnet coins will be accepted by other people in the future.